How To Use
MLS Search
- If you know the listing number of a property,
enter it in the top line and click Next. Use commas to separate multiple listing numbers.
- If you wish to search all listings for a particular type of property,
first select one of the Property Types at the top with perhaps additional
requirements such as City, List Price, etc. Be sure to leave the top line blank,
then click Next to view the properties that meet your requirements.
- Additional pages will appear after clicking Next. Properties are shown in groups of 5.
You should page through all properties that meet your specifications. You may click on a property image or listing
number to view the property detail and take a photo tour.
- When you're ready, please give me a call (office or home) to discuss the properties that you've chosen.
I can often provide additional details over the telephone. We can also set
up a schedule to view the properties you've selected.
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